Bowe Bergdahl Investigation Concludes, Pentagon Officials Briefed

military hospital in Germany, Bergdahl was sent to Fort Sam Houston on June 13. As he awaits the conclusion of his case, Bergdahl is performing administrative duties at the base. Hagels briefing in Bergdahls case is strictly informational, according to Pentagon press secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby, and the Defense Secretary is not expected to have any input in the proceedings. The secretary is not going to do arm twisting Kirby noted. Theres no role for him in the process to modify the investigation. Pentagon brass to review report on Bowe Bergdahl investigation #news The_News_DIVA (@The_News_DIVA) December 19, 2014 According to NBC News , the Armys first investigation into Bergdahls disappearance, conducted in 2009, concluded that he deliberately left his base. Such a finding could lead to the filing of criminal charges against Bergdahl, and a conviction could possibly lead to imprisonment or reduction in rank and loss of back pay and benefits. Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was also briefed on the results of the investigation earlier this week.


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